Asako Kudo-Markert, MFT

224050 Madison Street, Suite 215
Torrance, CA 90505

A certified NET practitioner since January 2008 and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Ms. Kudo-Markert provides therapy for children, adults, couples, and families in both English and Japanese.  She received her undergraduate degree from Seikei University, Tokyo, Japan, and her master’s degree from California State University, Fresno.  Currently much of her practice is focused on the self-esteem issues of teenage girls.  Ms. Kudo-Markert’s first teenage patient was very shy, rarely spoke, had frequent panic attacks, and was in an abusive relationship.  After six to eight months of NET-based therapy, this patient was talking, holding her head high, and had ended the abusive relationship.  Many of Ms. Kudo-Markert’s clients are Japanese, living in the United States and Japan. She goes back to see her patients in Japan every year.  When utilizing NET with her Japanese clients, she is very sensitive to cultural norms.  Every three months Ms. Kudo-Markert gives a NET demonstration to Japanese people living in the United States.  She is aware that asking, “What are we working on,” and asking for permission before applying NET are particularly important when working within the Japanese culture.  Ms. Kudo-Markert gives to the ONE Research Foundation because NET is the most powerful and unique technique she has ever been exposed to, and believes that creditable evidence is needed in order to legitimize NET.  She sees the benefits and results of NET every day in her practice.