Kim Makoi, D.C.

110 Gough St. Ste. 201A
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 864-2975


Dr. Kim’s first exposure to NET was in chiropractic college, but the technique was fairly new and wasn’t part of the curriculum. In one of his spine care classes a student was experiencing a lot of back pain. They tried to adjust him, but that didn’t help. The professor was trained in NET and believed the issue wasn’t structural, but emotional. So, (after closing the door) he disclosed that although NET wasn’t part of the curriculum, it was something the students needed to look into after they graduated. After explaining the basics of the technique, he proceeded with the NET and the student’s back pain was relieved. The class was amazed! Although they didn’t quite understand the technique, the experience opened their minds to the fact there could be a different cause for the conditions they saw.

NET has since become a real stabilizing force, “the bread and butter” of Dr. Kim’s practice, and it brings the most joy. “It’s exciting to see people become free from stuck emotional patterns that have built up over years. NET lends itself to some significant life changes and patients are ultimately very satisfied.”

On a personal and professional level, NET has had a profound impact on Dr. Kim’s life. For many years he suffered from social anxiety, which caused severe migraines, nausea, vomiting and made it very difficult to tolerate situations where he was around more than a handful of people. In the early days of his practice, if Dr. Kim saw more than 5 patients a day he would get migraines and feel sick. But through NET he has overcome his social anxiety. He now treats many patients a day and can attend large seminars without experiencing symptoms.

Dr. Kim describes other situations where NET has helped patients deal with anxiety. One patient had a phobia around driving. She didn’t live far from his office, but when taking public transportation the trip could take 2 hrs. The phobia was affecting her mobility and hindering her day-to-day life. After receiving NET treatments she no longer has issues with driving, making life much easier.

Dr. Kim articulates, “Even though as practitioners we see powerful results in our office every day, it’s really easy for the media or the mainstream health system to discount natural healthcare as a placebo or anecdotal.” Therefore, research is really important. Research is key to solidifying the place for mind-body techniques in healthcare.

He continues, “A lot of techniques die over time along with the founder, because those associated didn’t have the bigger vision of research. What I love about NET and the ONE Foundation is that they have that greater vision. It’s not about just one person, or one person’s ego, or even necessarily one technique. It’s about the bigger picture – having this kind of healing available to as many people as possible, over time, even beyond the lifetime of one person… ONE is committed to high quality research that we can use to support what we do.”

He adds, on a practical note, “Actually, it was ONE Foundation’s research that helped me get though an IRS audit.” When the IRS asked, “What’s with all of this emotional stuff?” questioning the use of the technique in his practice, Dr. Kim pulled up the NET research on ONE’s website. ONE’s research convinced the IRS that NET was a legitimate technique appropriate to chiropractic care. In the opinion of Dr. Kim, “The research gives practitioners a solid footing to stand on; that what we are doing is based on real science and relevant to the treatment of patients.”

Dr. Kim received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University in June of 1997. He attended his first NET seminar 1999 and became certified in January 2002.