Natalie Horn, D.D.S.
49 East Main Street
Milan, MI 48160
(734) 369-9300
Dr. Natalie Horn’s use of natural treatments in her dental practice has always put her on the “cuttingedge”. When initially introduced to NET by her chiropractor, she realized how powerful the technique could be in treating patients with underlying fear of the dental office. Since incorporating NET into her practice, Dr. Horn has become known for having a unique ability to successfully work with those who’ve had trauma around dental care; other local dentists often refer their distressed patients to her.
Many of her clients are nervous when they come to the office. They may not have slept well the night before, or may have an upset stomach; some are even in tears by the time they get into the chair. For her anxious patients Dr. Horn employs the “quick release” chairside and it’s amazing how NET helps them get into a relaxed state so they can commence with the procedure. For those whose fear of the dentist is more serious, she recommends they do one or two NET sessions with her prior to any intensive dental work.
Dr. Horn has found that when working with those who have lost a tooth and need a replacement, “If you don’t do NET prior to the procedure to help clear the loss of the tooth, there can be an extreme risk for failure. The body is likely to reject anything new that’s put into the position of the lost tooth.” Similarly, some patients with removable dentures find they don’t work well for them, and the dentures end up sitting on the night table. “We can often salvage that by doing NET. When the patient hasn’t accepted the loss of the tooth it’s difficult to accept the replacement. NET increases the body’s acceptance of something new.”
When doing oral exams, Dr. Horn often sees issues related to gastric reflux and the resulting erosion of the teeth. With these patients she uses NET in identifying allergy points and does quite a bit of consultation regarding nutrition. This approach has realized very good outcomes.
Dr. Horn has a deep respect for NET on both a personal and professional level. As a young woman in her 20’s she was diagnosed with several serious health conditions. The physical implications were severe and the emotional toll those challenges took further compromised her health. She underwent various treatments and was put on multiple prescriptions, but wasn’t getting better.“Out of everything I tried, NET made the biggest difference. It facilitated my healing process.”
When speaking about NET, Dr. Horn underscores the contributions of ONE’s research. “I can’t imagine the NET program being successful without the research. Over the years, the things that have been learned through the research and all of the additional new procedures, I can’t imagine not having that kind of growth potential.” For her patients, the research validates the technique in their minds and facilitates their acceptance of it. “ONE’s research has helped to bring many to the technique.”