ONE's Contributers

ONE is grateful to all who have contributed to the development and growth of the Foundation through their service on the Board of Directors or as advisors to the Board.

Stephen Osborne, D.C.
Amber Palmer, MFCC
Karl Parker, D.C.
Kris Peterson, D.C.
Jeff Phillips, D.C.
Henry Pollard, B.Sc. Grad D.C., Grad Dip., AppSc, MSportsSc, Ph.D.
Linda Powers, D.C.
Julie Preger
Julie Lynch-Sasson, D.C.
Roy Schlabach, O.D.
Michael J. Slater, M.B.A.
Gary Smith, Ph.D.
Andrew Specht, D.C.
George Talbot, M.D.
Juli Tooley, D.C.
Alice Vlliestra, Ph.D.
Scott & Deb Walker, D.C.s
Khelly Webb, D.C.
Bob Wilborn, D.C.
Robert Wood

Cheryl Alexander
Bret Babcock, D.C.
Peter Bablis, D.C
Kent Bennington, Ph.D.
Sobyl Bunis, D.C.
John Brams, C.P.A., P.C.
Janel Carlson, D.C.
Howard Cohn, D.C.
Lisa Curry
Robert Curry, D.C.
Brenda Flowers-Specht
Frances Homer, D.C.
Sean Eastwood, D.C.
Sandra Rattray Jones, Ph.D.
Cynthia Papa-Lentini, Ph.D.
Anna Manayan, J. D., L.Ac. CNC
Natalie Massé, D.C.
Sue-Ellen McKelvey, D.C.
Dan Monti, M.D.
Keith Moore, D.C.
Arthur Newman, D.C.


Major Donors (Past and Present)

ONE is thankful for the generous support of our major donors who have contributed $10,000 or more to the Foundation.

Michael Kudlas, D.C.
Rebecca Lord, PA-C/LCSW
Lawrence Low, D.C.
William Lyden, D.C.
The Lynch Family Foundation
Kim Makoi, D.C.
Natalie Masse, D.C.
Maggie Mauer, Ph.D.
Daniel Monti, M.D., N.E.T. Inc.
Stephen Osborne, D.C.
Steven Osterhout, D.C.
Jeffrey Parker, D.C.
Nancy Pearce, D.C.
Michelle & Jeff Phillips, D.C.
Laura Pedersen, D.C.
Julie Preger
Mary Lou Rane, Ph.D.
Amber Runnerstrum, D.C.
Thomas Schreder, D.C.
Michael J. Slater, M.B.A.
Leif Sockander, D.C.
Bill Stathoulis, D.C.
Craig Stimson, D.C.
The Katherine Chew Simonds Foundation
Dustin Thomas, D.C.
Brian VanWagenen, D.C.
Scott & Deb Walker, D.C.s.

Ibrahim Alhusseini
Brent Babcock, D.C.
Teshna Beaulieu, D.C.
Damian Bell, D.C.
Thomas Bloink, D.C.
Beth Bollenbach, L.C.S.W.
William Bos, D.C.
Wayne Braddock, D.C.
Charlene Brown, MA, LPC, NCC
Bettina Chandler
Christine and Howard Cohn, D.C.s
David Comyns, D.C.
Lisa & Bob Curry, D.C.
Shelly Ditter, D.C.
Jack Donovan, D.C.
Michael Dority, D.C.
Sean Eastwood, D.C.
Mark Fohs, M.S., C.C.M.H.C.
Vicki Gardner, D.C.
Kent Greenawalt
Jay & Marni Grossman
William Harris, D.C.
Robert Hecht, D.C.
Virginia Hernly, D.C., CCSP
Shane & Paula Howell, D.C.s
Elana Kaplove, D.C.
Gale Kappel, D.C.
Allen Knecht, D.C.