An Exclusive Learning Opportunity for
NET Certified Practitioners


The Walker’s Academy

Dr. Scott Walker, NET Pioneer and Founder, and Dr. Deb Walker, NET expert teacher, host a monthly webinar for NET Practitioners. More than just a continuing education session, the Walkers present technique, discuss navigating challenges, offer advanced insights, and more.

These one hour webinars are hosted by ONE Research Foundation, in support of our mission to provide educational opportunities for our community.

doctor on a webinar

Advance your knowledge

Stay on top of the best practices and learn advanced technique directly from the top.

chiropractor caring for patient

Improve your practice

As professionals, we are always striving to improve our practice so we can provide the best patient care.


The Walker’s Academy is open to all NET Certified Practitioners.

Submit your name and email through the form below. ONE will reach out with a short verification email to confirm your NET certification.


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