Dr. Brent Babcock Speaks at Wombtwin Conference
/In March, Dr. Babcock presented at the WombTwin Conference at All Hallows College, in Dublin, Ireland. As a survivor of a vanished twin, Dr. Babcock shared his 23 years of research experience and knowledge concerning the Vanishing Twin to help others heal from the crisis known as “womb twin survivor.” As a certified NET practitioner he also explained how NET helps with the loss of a twin.
This year’s conference was well attended including vanishing twin survivors, friends and health professionals from the US, Ireland, UK and other countries. Local media was also present and Dr. Babcock was interviewed by RTE (Ireland’s TV station). Some of the footage may be used in an upcoming documentary.
Dr. Babcock has also been invited to speak at the European Congress for Prenatal Medicine in Florence, Italy and the Joint 3rd World Congress on Twin Pregnancy and Twin Studies in Budapest, Hungary.
You can learn more about Dr. Babcock’s work on the Vanishing Twin at: http://www.vanishingtwin.com
Dr. Babcock received his education from Brigham Young University and Texas Chiropractic College and is a certified NET practitioner. He is a frequent speaker at NET seminars and Twinless Twin Conferences around the world. He is the author of the book My Twin Vanished: Did Yours?
Dr. Babcock requests positive reviews added on Amazon.com concerning
the book. Please order his book at your local library so it will be assessable to patients, clients and friends.