New Research on Manual Muscle Testing & Therapy Localization
/The ONE Research Foundation is providing funding for a new research study: Reliability and Validity of Therapy Localization in Applied Kinesiology II: Conformation and Generalizability of Outcomes. The literature describing the interobserver reliability in manual muscle testing as practiced in applied kinesiology is sparse and inconsistent. That describing the validity is even weaker, existing in less than 5 papers. This study will provide critical missing pieces to the literature of applied kinesiology.
The study utilizes four objective measurements with instrumentation: (a) electrogoniometry, determining the degree of movement; (b) electromyography, measuring electrical activity within the muscle; (c) vibromyography, measuring muscle vibration; and (d) the force applied by the clinicians during the tests. The muscles to be tested in 50 patients will be the middle deltoid and the hamstrings. Through this study two basic tenets of applied kinesiology (manual muscle testing and therapy localization) will acquire much-needed credibility with objective measurements and correlation with neck pain
The Co-Principal Investigators for the study are Anthony L. Rosner, Ph.D., LL.D.[Hon.], LLC and Gerry Leisman, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Rosner is a champion of interdisciplinary research in the health sciences, and serves as the Director of Research of the International College of Applied Kinesiology, USA. Previously he has served as Director of Research and Education at the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research, Director of Research Initiatives at Parker College, Department Administrator in Chemistry at Brandeis University, and Technical Director of multiple laboratories at Beth Israel Hospital. Dr. Liesman is currently the Scientific Director of the F. R. Carrick Institute for Clinical Ergonomics, Rehabilitation, and Applied Neuroscience (C.E.R.A.N.), a global research institute with laboratories in New York, USA, Nazareth, Israel and in Havana, Cuba. He is also currently Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences at Nazareth Academic Institute and at French Hospital Nazareth, Israel. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.