ONE's Current Study Most Important Ever in Cam Arena
/Dr. Scott Walker explains why ONE’s current research study, “Assessment of NET for decreasing traumatic stress symptoms in cancer survivors,” is the most important ever in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine arena.
1. It directly and unequivocally demonstrates the mind-body connection.
2. It directly and unequivocally demonstrates a drugless yet highly effective and cost-efficient (three visits) mind-body intervention.
3. It strongly suggests, even portends, when coupled with ONE’s other research, that other types of traumatic stress can similarly be alleviated.
4. It is beyond any reasonable critique, as it was designed and administered by two world-class NIH-funded scientists at the prestigious Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
What the world needs now is exactly what we are validating: safe, effective mind-body-health care. O.N.E. – Our Net Effect. For a better world now.
For more about the study: