What are you going to do for Heal Christchurch?
/As most are somewhat aware, Christchurch has suffered through four major quakes since February 22, 2010 and still experience ongoing (9,000 and counting) aftershocks. These ongoing earthquakes have tremendous potential for generating PTSD symptoms. So I am going to do an abbreviated training to teach local practitioners and those from abroad how to do the two-minute NET procedure. There will be no charge for this one-day seminar.
If any practitioners out there reading this haven’t been to an NET Seminar in awhile, the two-minute procedure is now taught there and has proven very beneficial, (and the full 15-step procedure can then be reserved for those that don’t respond to the two-minute). The main point is that for disasters and treating many people, the two-minute procedure is a blessing.
This is a completely pro-bono service as all the practitioners are volunteering their time and I will be paying for all of my expenses, so that this can be offered as a free service to those that continue to endure these ongoing and highly stressful circumstances. Totally humanitarian, should be a good vibe there. Christchurch businesses are donating all kinds of services and supplies to this event as well, and the city government is providing the building (actually a geo-dome in which the NET work will be done).
On top of that, there will be a contingency from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, headed by NET certified Dr. Graham Dotson, technique instructor at the college, and is also an advisor to the NET Club. They will be helping with the logistics and coordinating patients and doctors.
I believe I will be able to bring back to the ONE Research Foundation some preliminary data about PTSD-type symptoms and NET from the exit surveys given to the patients. We need the data for future research, as it seems we never get through a year without a disaster somewhere on this weary world.