Our NET Effect: We Make the World Stronger, Safer and Healthier
/Some may not know that the “O.N.E.” in O.N.E. Research Foundation is an acronym for Our NET Effect.
Our NET Effect speaks to the wonderful care and healing experienced by patients around the world and provided by practitioners of all healthcare disciplines. Every day, more and more patients are able to access safe, effective, drugless healthcare.
Our NET Effect also refers to the powerful unifying effect NET has among practitioners working in diverse fields. Many in the broader healthcare community are separated by specialization, philosophy and practice. Yet those in the NET community are united by this cross-disciplinary technique and by our approach to patient care. How extraordinary it is to be in a NET seminar with doctors of chiropractic, medicine, psychology, oriental medicine, dentistry, osteopathy (the list goes on), studying the same stress-reduction technique to benefit all of our patients. NET is a truly unique experience, individually and collectively.
Through the support of a united community comprised of practitioners, grateful patients and supporters, ONE has funded a body of scientific research validating NET and natural healthcare techniques. This research supports the work of practitioners, legitimizes NET in the eyes of the greater healthcare community and improves access to these treatments for patients.
Through Our NET Effect we make the world stronger, safer and healthier.
ONE for ALL and ALL for ONE. Our NET Effect.